Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919.

Let’s help Naganathan succeed

IC Editorial Board


All things about the University of Toledo are new to our new students, but upper-level students will immediately notice the differences: the facelift on the lawn in front of Memorial Field House, the seemingly endless construction, and the president being visible on campus.

Yes, you read that correctly: the president is visible on campus.

It’s no secret that former president Lloyd Jacobs was old-fashioned and hard to communicate with. He certainly didn’t help ease any tension between faculty and administration, and he was known to add to it.

Interim President Nagi Naganathan’s style is refreshingly different. He is enthusiastic, open and willing to talk to students.

The main question, of course, is whether we can trust our new leader. Trust is the foundation for any successful team (and we can consider the administration to be a rather large one).

We’re going out on a limb on this one: we trust President Naganathan.

His background is sterling. During his almost 30 years at UT, President Nagi (as he likes to be called) brought national recognition to the college of engineering, which remains one of the best engineering colleges in the state. Students and faculty love him. The people who have paid attention to him can feed off of his enthusiasm, his openness, his energy.

He’s also very visible and approachable: he recently announced a new program called “Walk with the President,” where students are invited to visit him on location to discuss student life and other university matters. He actually attends on-campus events and meets students, staff and faculty in informal settings. His actions show that he cares about direct communication with the UT community.

We encourage you to keep an open mind and allow him a chance to show what he can do for us. President Nagi is the new face of UT, the one who shapes our experience and growth as students. We encourage you to introduce yourself to him when you see him at upcoming events and learn who he is and what his vision is for our university.

Our endorsement comes with an editors’ note, however. Part of our mission is to examine his leadership, and we will continue to do so. Of course, intentions are one thing, results another, but we’re watching with the best of possibilities in mind.

We’re still news gatherers, but right now, there’s only good news to report.

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