
Letter to the editor: Alcohol-free tailgate — a logical way to tailgate

Jessica Sloan
October 29, 2014
Filed under Letters, Opinion

Editor’s note: This letter to the editor is in response to the editorial “Alcohol-free tailgating illogical” published in the Independent Collegian on Oct. 1. Life is full of choices, some easier than others. You can choose to view the cup half full or half empty, either way, it’s a choice... Read more »

Editorial: Hours need to be added

IC Editorial Board
October 22, 2014
Filed under Editorials, Opinion

Where do you like to study? In your house or your dorm? Where do you go when it gets noisy or you are bogged down with distractions? You might go to the library. But the Carlson Library hours changed this year and this has eliminated the most prominent place students can go to study, do homework or just... Read more »

Samuel Derkin: Ebola is already potentially, probably, kind of, maybe, sorta in our state

Samuel Derkin, IC Columnist
October 22, 2014
Filed under Columns, Opinion

I'll be honest, I'm going to pick some low-hanging fruit with this column and write about Ebola. “I know, I know,” you'll say. “Everyone's overreacting; I'm more likely to get pink-eye from touching toilet paper that I found in the garbage of the bathroom.” First off, you're disgusting... Read more »

Emily Modrowski: Should tattoos affect your future job?

Emily Modrowski, IC Columnist
October 22, 2014
Filed under Columns, Opinion

In this day and age, tattoos are a box on an application and more often than not, if there’s a check mark in that box you’re out of luck. Let me put this into perspective: you’re graduating. You’ve finished medical school, and you officially have a medical degree. You graduated top of your... Read more »

Editorial: It’s on us

The IC Editorial Board
October 14, 2014
Filed under Editorials, Opinion

About one in five women have been the victim of attempted or completed sexual assault, and in 2011 over 1.3 million women were raped, according to the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence. These crimes can happen anywhere: in a home, on the street, in a dorm. This is why The Independent Collegian,... Read more »

Budrevich: We read, we imagine, we dream

Budrevich: We read, we imagine, we dream

Jordan Budrevich, IC Columnist
October 14, 2014
Filed under Columns, Opinion

“Davis, Colin. Davis, Colin.” At the sound of his name, a boy, Colin, whom I had never met before, stepped forward. At that moment, there was no one in the entire world that I loathed more than that boy. What right did he have to get his copy before I got mine? No right at all. But then, I heard... Read more »

Snyder: You are such a nerd

Snyder: You are such a nerd

Faith Snyder, IC Columnist
October 14, 2014
Filed under Columns, Opinion

When I was in fourth grade, I had to wait for the librarian to find books challenging enough for me, while the rest of the class eagerly sifted through the shelves in the elementary school. Sometimes the librarian had books in the school she brought from her own personal collection and others she brought... Read more »

Beerbower: It’s time to prepare for finals

Jeannette Beerbower, IC Columnist
October 14, 2014
Filed under Columns, Opinion

It’s time to prepare for finals. You may complain, “Fall break just ended!” “The end of the semester is ages away!” I am aware. You've got half of 16 weeks stretching before you. But in reality, the time to start preparing was a while ago... about eight weeks, actually. True, that is... Read more »

Editorial: Dining services handled Croutons incident with a lack of transparency

IC Editorial Board
October 8, 2014
Filed under Editorials, Opinion

Croutons had a leak of unhealthy water in their back room and they didn't tell the student body about it. Let that sink in for a moment. You could be sick from their food right now. Now that sentiment can seem, at a glance, like fear-mongering. Food was not prepared in the back room where the leak... Read more »

Editorial: Leaky pipes point to bigger problems, including lack of attention from administrators

IC Editorial Board
October 8, 2014
Filed under Editorials, Opinion

A pipe leaked above the ceiling of Croutons, causing dirty water to seep past the ceiling tiles and onto the floor. This created a messy situation— smelly, brown water trickling down, leaving the room in disorder. Returning students, doesn’t this sound familiar? Broken pipes, and UT waiting... Read more »

Ashley Gearheart: First world problems

Ashley Gearheart, IC Columnist
October 8, 2014
Filed under Columns, Opinion

The other day after a tough workout, a couple friends and I headed over to the Student Union to grab some salads from Croutons for dinner. We were greeted by a sign informing us that, due to some equipment malfunction, the salad joint was temporarily closed. Our immediate reactions included frustration... Read more »

Editorial: Alcohol-free tailgating illogical

IC Editorial Board
October 1, 2014
Filed under Editorials, Opinion

Everything you love is bad for you. Cars are just huge hunks of metal that get in crashes and kill people in accidents, have malfunctions and guzzle gas like there’s no tomorrow. Cell phones turn everyone’s minds to mush, robbing people of face-to-face interaction. Soda rots your teeth and dehydrates... Read more »

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