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Higher wages for student workers?

Amanda Pitrof

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Student Government is asking the University of Toledo to conduct a study on the pros and cons of raising minimum wage for student employees to $10.10 per hour.

Legislation advocating the study passed unanimously Tuesday night.

According to SG senator and author of the legislation Michael Peachock, the resolution will next be given to the chief financial officer, who would be in charge of organizing the feasibility study.

When asked if food service contractor Aramark’s student employees would be included in the wage increase, SG president Emily Kramp responded, “Since Aramark is an independent organization from the University of Toledo, we actually have no jurisdiction over them.”

Peachock said the study is important in order to have all of the facts for when it comes time to make a decision.

“The idea is to retain the financial health of the university,” Peachock said. “We would like them to see by how much they can increase the minimum wage for student employees and just see what the costs and benefits of that would be.”

Peachock said the resolution is not calling for an actual raise, just for a study.

“If raising the minimum wage ends up increasing tuition and fees in order to cover the costs then no one wins,” he said. “It’s a no-win situation and that’s not something that we want to go towards.” 

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Higher wages for student workers?