Serving the University of Toledo community since 1919.

Larry Burns leaves UT

Amanda Pitrof, News Editor


Lawrence Burns, the University of Toledo’s vice president for external affairs, will be leaving UT for a position as vice president for advancement at the University of Akron, according to an article by the Toledo Blade.

Upon Akron President and former UT Provost Scott Scarborough’s recommendation, Akron’s board of trustees decided today to hire Burns from among four finalists.

His new position’s responsibilities will include “increasing enrollment, fund-raising, government relations, marketing, branding, alumni relations, and community and business partnerships,” according to the Toledo Blade.

The Toledo Blade reported that a spokesperson from Akron said Burns is expected to begin his new position in April and his salary will be $285,000 annually.

Read the Toledo Blade story here:


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1 Comment

  • JackPumpkin

    Awesome. Although Ohio taxpayers are still spending $285,000 annually for who knows what.
